Sunday, July 26, 2009

Everyone is asleep, here is where the boredom is going to set in... I think between posts I'll get in some exercise.
How is everyone out there keeping themselves awake? I've tried two strategies and I'm not sure which is best- conserving energy on the couch with a movie (and risking falling asleep of boredom) and exercising to keep blood flowing (and risking passing out)

Which is working for you out there? Or are you using a different strategy?


  1. have a dance party. it helps.

    khouria jen

  2. My method is called desperation. Telling myself YOU MUST NOT SLEEP. I can't believe there's three hours left. I want to sleep so bad!

  3. Me too girl!! I want to curl up in bed with my big soft blanket and bunny pillow and wake up in three days!

    "Dancing with myseELF... Oh I'm dancing with myseELF!!!"
